Tuesday 12 January 2016

Young Scientist

On the Thursday we came back after Christmas, we went to the BT Young Scientist. All TYs and second years went on the trip. We left school at 9am and arrived at the RDS around half 10. When we first went in we went to look for the TYs from our school who had entered to look at their projects. After we had looked at the projects for food. The food court was really busy but after queuing for our chips for 10 minutes we eventually found seats. After food we went back into inside in search of free stuff. Unfortunately we didn't get any -not even a pen. We looked around at the projects some more, then we decided to sit down again. We couldn't find any seats, so our logical answer to this was to sit in the corner on the ground. We met up with everyone else to go home at around two o'clock. I really liked seeing all the different experiments but thought we stayed there a bit longer, maybe if we'd went home an hour or two earlier.
Friendsheep goals